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A Statement to the ROK Armed Forces

We at the ¡°Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation (KRGDN)¡± can
no longer turn a blind eye to the collapsing national security. Therefore, we
with all our heart request to our dearly beloved service men and women as
First, all active-duty service men and women in the Army, Navy, Air
Force and Marine Corps, you must decide whether you will give up on the
people, territory and sovereignty of this nation by being misled by the
sugar-coated ¡°fake peace¡± and ¡°inter-Korean collaboration¡± rhetoric or
safeguard them by performing your sacred military duty specified in
Article 5 of the Constitution. You should not join or connive at any anti-
national activities that undermine the nation¡¯s security capability fostered
by your proud predecessors. Soldiers are not just nine-to-fivers, but the
bulwark of the national security ready to dedicate lives to defend the
country. You should sternly reject anti-patriotic demand of the politicians
attempting to sell out this nation to enemy. Soldiers, do your best to defend
the nation and the people you belong to!
Second, the Moon administration signed ¡°the 9¡¤19 Inter-Korean Military
Agreement¡± that unilaterally neutralize ROK¡¯s security capability though
Pyongyang has not shown any substantial progress towards
denuclearization. The regime in the North is notorious for numerous
military provocations including the tragic Korean war in 1950, and it now
is recognized by the United Nations as the worst criminal ring against the
humanity. Signing such an enemy-benefiting agreement is not only a
violation of the Constitutional but a de facto declaration of the national
suicide. As a result, countless wartime defense facilities built by blood and
sweat for the past 70 years have been destroyed; early-warning capabilities
have been blunted; combat units have been rapidly dismantled; anti-
communist and counter-espionage intelligence functions have been
crippled; military morale has been dampened and discipline is crumbling.
Defense Minister, Chiefs of Staff and Marine Corps Commander, do decide
by the end of February 2019 to discard the ¡°9¡¤19 Inter-Korean Military
Agreement,¡± order the entire military to follow the decision, and promptly
restore the nation¡¯s disrupted security capability! Do not accommodate
anti-constitutional instructions hurting the nation¡¯s security!
Third, all service men and women on active duty should not be enticed by

the North¡¯s ¡°juche¡± ideology advocating the three-generation hereditary
dictatorship and aiming at communizing the entire Peninsula. If necessary,
please look back to the cases of communized countries to predict the fate of
the ROK people and military after communization. Keep in mind that the
North Korean military is unmistakably your main adversary until we
achieve reunification based on the free democracy orders clearly stated in
Article 4 of the Constitution!
Fourth, the ROK-U.S. combined defense system, built by insights and
wisdom of the alliance guardians of both countries, has proven to be the
best system to safeguard this nation. Nevertheless, the Moon administration
is disrupting this system by seducing the public with honeyed words like
¡°security sovereignty¡± and by trying to separate prematurely the wartime
operational control (OPCON). Currently, the Moon administration is
delaying an early conclusion of the ROK-U.S. defense burden-sharing
(SMA) negotiation, thereby ignoring the possibility of USFK withdrawal
and further deterioration of the alliance credibility. Soldiers should not
forget that liquidation of the alliance and the combined defense system has
been the North¡¯s 70-year old desideratum. Soldiers, remember that
protecting the combined defense system is the way to protect your nation
and your families. Defend it desperately!
Fifth, we will not accept as beloved members of military community
those soldiers who sell out military honor to keep their positions. Former
Defense Minister Song Young-moo who signed the enemy-benefiting ¡°9¡¤19
Inter-Korean Military Agreement¡± must publicly apologize if he wants to
show even a tinge of remorse for dishonoring his predecessors and
colleagues. Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, who demands faithful
implementation the Agreement and presses for preparation for an early
OPCON transfer at every military commanders¡¯ meeting to flatter political
authority, must immediately resign and apologize to the public and the
military community. Lastly, our beloved active-duty brothers and sisters, do
not participate any longer in the act of treason and follow only the order
given by the Constitution!
Hail, Free ROK! Hail, the ROK People! Hail, the ROK Armed Forces!
Jan. 30, 2019. Korean Retired Generals Defending the Nation


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